The instructions of Access Key operation
This site is based on the principles of web design principles, the main content of the site is divided into two blocks:
1. The top of the web page
2. The center of the web page
The accesskey for this website are set as follows:
Alt + U:The top of the functional blocks, including language version selection, the main menu and so on.
Alt + C:Central content block, this block presents the main content of the page
Alt + B:The lower menu linking zone in charge of the linking of [Information Security Policy] and [Privacy Policy
Site Map
1-1 . User Login(Open new window)
1-2 . Databases(Open new window)
1-3 . NUTN Online Thesis (eThesis)(Open new window)
1-4 . Nationwide Document Delivery Service (NDDS)(Open new window)
1-5 . Room Reservations(Open new window)
1-6 . Suggest a Book for Purchase(Open new window)
2 . Search
2-1 . National Bibliographi Information Newwork (NBINET)(Open new window)
2-2 . Union list of Serials(Open new window)
2-3 . Taiwan Academic E-book & Database Consortium (TAEBDC) e-books(Open new window)
3 . Online Service
3-1 . Guestbook Forums(Open new window)
3-2 . Online reference(Open new window)
3-3 . Form download(Open new window)
4 . Guide
4-1 . Library Guide(Open new window)
4-2 . Rules and Regulations(Open new window)
4-3 . FAQ(Open new window)
5 . Digital Resources
5-1 . Off-campus database connection configuration(Open new window)
5-2 . Institutional Repository(Open new window)
6 . Locations
6-1 . Main Campus(Open new window)
6-2 . Rongyu Campus(Open new window)